The 53rd Dai’s First Visit to Africa
When Syedna Taher Saifuddin first set foot on African soils, it marked the beginning of untold barakaat. Since that historic moment in 1963 and subsequent to over thirty visits by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin, we have seen that barakat manifest itself in every aspect of our lives.
Now, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the 53rd Dai has set foot in Africa and it is now our fervent wish and hope that Moula blesses Nairobi with his presence. For that lofty goal, mumineen are engaging themselves in ta’abudaat amal. These entail:
· Mumineen should recite Quran e Majeed, Dua e Kamil, Dua e Nasr wal Mahaaba, Dua e Joshan and do matam and tasbeeh on a daily basis.
· Imamat namaaz should be attended by all and after Magrib namaaz, there will be a collective recitation of duas.
As part of this preparation, mumineen will dedicate all their resources to avail of this barakaat by committing themselves to various aspects of khidmat, namely:
· Participation of Ikraam
· Araz of Ziyafat Sharaf
· Araz for Misaaq and/or Nikah
· Decorative lights in individual homes and collectively
These commitments should be noted with Amilsaheb’s office and Jamaat office.
We pray that Khuda Ta’ala fulfills our wish that Moula arrives in Nairobi and we have the opportunity to perform khidmat and attain barakaat. May He grant our Moula, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, a long and prosperous life till the end of time.
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