Wednesday, March 21, 2012



For Basic
Book keeping and Accountancy

a.        Keeping monthly books of accounts

b.       Producing Profit and Loss Accounts

c.        Preparing monthly debtors/creditors schedule

d.       Doing monthly cash book and bank reconciliations

e.       Keeping records of firms Fixed Assets

f.         Preparing and submitting Annual Reports & Accounts

g.        Preparing Trial Balance

h.        Computation and Returns for Various Taxations

                       1. VAT

                       2. Income Tax

                       3. PAYE

                       4. Duties

                       5. etc

i.       Liaise and Returns for / with any third parties - 

                       1. NHIF

                       2. NSSF

                       3. City Council

                       4. Labour

                       5. Osha

                       6. etc.

Minimal Experience Required

Within Nairobi - Call 0733 917792