Saturday, January 19, 2019

(Al-Raihan) Bakhoor for all occasions


Home make Yemeni Bakhoor for all occasions. Fill your home with fragrances and make your Namazi cloths always have the aroma of Bakhoor.

Introducing three fragrances:

1. Taibah: For daily use KES 400 a box

2. Afedah: For occasions and gatherings and/majlis at your home. It lasts long and keeps it's presence in the crowds. KES 500 a box.

3. Aljabal: For occasions and Namazi cloths. KES 600 a box.

More types of bakhoor shall be introduced and announced.

Special shaped bakhoor for Gifts and silatul rehem with packing.

Bulk orders can be placed.

Contact: 0743236647 D4-3.

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